Airbus A320 Sim

Manufacturer: Airbus
Manufacturer Airbus

USD $ 6.49

Format Instant Streaming - Video on Demand
Rental Period 3 Days from First Play
Stream Running Time 72 Minutes
Presenters Captain Alan Dix
Route A320 Simulator
Language English
Certificate Exempt Work
Copyright For Private Domestic Use Only
Airline SAS Flight Acedemy
SKU 5028940030616

ITVV - Airbus A320 Simulator

While filming on scheduled airline services provides a wonderful way of watching flight operations, there are many things you will never see...

  • 72 minute Stream
  • SAS Flight Academy, Stockholm
  • Accomplish a Barrel Roll in the A320!
  • Captain Alan Dix invites you to take the right hand seat

This programme takes you to the SAS Flight Academy in Stockholm and covers essentials such as dealing with engine failures through to how to barrel roll an A320!

Led by one of our most popular presenters, Captain Alan Dix, your journey begins in the classroom for a refresher course on the layout of the A320, before looking at the workings of this $13 million six-axis simulator.

Once inside the sim you are invited to take the right hand seat for this detail. Alan will show and explain, in a clear and easy to understand way such things as Rejected Take Off (RTO), engine failure after V1 and the actions that are necessary to control this 62 tonne airliner. Alan also shows you how to accomplish a barrel roll in the A320! Or perhaps you need a refresher on how to do an autoland to runway 24 at Manchester?

This programme contains many more interesting facts and details on how pilots train in the simulator. It's perfect for those that want to take their airliner flying a little more seriously, either on home computers or with a view to taking up a career as a professional pilot or simply enjoy this entertaining programme.

5 Stars 
 3 reviews

3 Most Recent Customer Reviews

Melvin Neeves

Captain Alan is the best.

Had the A320 Sim on DVD but leant it to someone and never got it back.

I had forgotten just how good Alan Dix is - he is just so funny!

This programme is ACE.


Martin Chessing

Brilliant to see how pilots train for emergencies.

Alan is fantastic at explaining in an easy to understand way the complexities involved in flying the A320

Will be watching more products now that they are streaming.

Ben Wilson

ITVV is the way to go.

The A320 Simulator programme with Captain Alan Dix is so interesting.

Alan covers some great topics. He also makes me laugh - a lot...

Great work ITVV